Tour 1: “The Stones are Crying Out!”

Although propaganda, the unearthed Assyrian Stones cry out that the Bible is consistently

Tour 2: Jehovah is a God of True Prophecy

Jehovah alone is the true God, able to foretell the future -centuries in

Tour 3: This is History Written in Advance

The Bible is a unique history book - so much is recorded centuries

Tour 4: Problems Faced by Early Christians

What problems did the first century Christians have to face? How did they

Tour 5: Who Is Jehovah!

One of the greatest showdowns the universe has ever seen! How was Pharaoh's

Tour 6: ‘Choose for Yourselves’ (Joshua 24:14-15)

You will be surprised to learn of Egyptian customs and deities which are

Tour 7: The Bible and its Fight to Live

The contents of the Bible make it clear that it is a very

Tour 8: Examples of Loyal Obedience – Of What Benefit to Us?

Travel to Ur to learn what sacrifices Abraham and Sarah would have made

Tour 9: ‘Keep your Eyes on the Prize’

Rome was renowned for its mighty army. How could a soldier survive and
Tower Bridge on the River Thames

Tour 10: The Rise and Rule of the 7th World Power

Coach Tour only. (Not available as a Virtual Tour) Though not specifically named,

Tour 11: ‘Time Matters’

How important is knowing the time accurately? What has it to do with

Tour 17: Integrity and Courage – Jehovah’s Witnesses during the Holocaust

The Wiener Holocaust Library in London  is the world's oldest institution devoted to

Tour 18: Observe Intently Jehovah’s Creation

Visit Colchester Zoo, about 35 minutes from Chelmsford by car/coach. Our tour, conducted

Tour 12: United in a Disunited World

Tour begins opposite the Houses of Parliament. Walk through the pages of history!

Tour 13: Hold Fast to What is Fine

What connection is there between the people of first century Galatia and us

Tour 14: In an awe-inspiring way I am wonderfully made

How do our own bodies highlight the Creator’s qualities of wisdom and love?

Tour 15: His invisible qualities are clearly seen

Romans 1:20 states that Jehovah's invisible qualities are perceived by the things made.

Tour 16: “I Am Creating Jerusalem a Cause for Joy”

Travel back to the Jerusalem of Bible times and gain deeper insights into